Tips til hvordan holde oppe treningsmotivasjonen

Tips on how to stay motivated to exercise

Staying motivated to exercise can be challenging, especially on days when you don't feel like exercising. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated:

  1. Set realistic goals : Small, achievable goals can provide a sense of progress and success.
  2. Plan your workout : Add workouts to your calendar as a regular appointment.
  3. Find a workout partner : Exercising with a friend can increase accountability and make exercise more enjoyable.
  4. Vary your workout routines : Try new exercises or sports to keep your workout interesting.
  5. Reward yourself : Set up rewards for when you reach your fitness goals.
  6. Visualize success : Think about how you will look and feel after achieving your goals.
  7. Keep a training journal : Track your progress and reflect on your achievements.
  8. Listen to inspiring music : A good playlist can give you an extra energy boost.
  9. Think about the health benefits : Remember why you started exercising – for better health and well-being.
  10. Don't be too hard on yourself : It's okay to have days where you don't exercise. The most important thing is to get back on track as soon as possible.

These are suggestions for both those of you who exercise a lot and those of you who don't exercise much, both indoors and outdoors, but mostly outdoors. I used to be very good at exercising, but in recent years it has become less so. It has something to do with the fact that I don't have as much time as I used to and that I am now not as mobile as before and feel more pain, so I should neither exercise too much nor too little.

Motivation is not always at its peak when the weather is bad, so there aren't always as many walks etc., but then it's important to have a plan to at least take a walk out when you see or know the weather is going to be nice. Then I can find a friend to go with, but if it's not suitable for friends I take the trip myself and then I often bring earphones so I can listen to music on the way. Sometimes I think it's nice to just hear the birds etc. in nature and it gives a nice peace and my thoughts can flow freely and suddenly I have an idea for something.

I usually think that it is healthy to get a workout both indoors and outdoors, but this is a travel shop so I think it is extra important to be out in nature and it is also good to get fresh air for your head when there can be a lot of screens and stress in our lives. The best medicine is then to just be out in the sun where the free D vitamins are!

If it's not sunny, I tend to think that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes. And my motto when traveling is "Out on a trip, never mad"! Bring good hiking gear with you for the various trips and that's part of it in this hiking shop, so look around the store because here you will find hiking products that can be used all year round. Look at the different categories for every taste here:

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