Høstprosjekter og flotte høstturer

Autumn projects and great autumn trips

Autumn started with a bang and with so much good weather it was tempting to take trips out and also take food out. I got the last of the blueberries and ate some of them on my nice forest walks both in the mountains and on flatter trails. Then I got my little grill and my storm kitchen set up outside the house. Great stuff! No need to take food and hiking products so far if you don't have the opportunity or want to go that far always.

Now a tarp has arrived at the house that needs to be put up. I'm thinking of having a roof over the hammock so I can lie down and listen to the raindrops, which will probably be a part of it in the future. It's so nice to hear the rain on roofs like that and it's not as clammy with a hammock as it can be staying in a tent when it rains.

If you also need a tarp and/or a hammock, you can purchase it here:

Hammock and/or rainproof roof/tarp (uniketurprodukter.com)

Recently my daughter had a 10th birthday which was celebrated over three days. That's how it is with those children who celebrate over many days, but it's been fun and a lot of sweet and good food lately. A little unhealthy, but make sure to have some salad and fruit and even if it's a birthday.😇

The fall collection in the store can be found here with lots of new and great products (shoes and clothes mostly) especially for the fall. Great to have when it starts to get colder.


Otherwise, there are constantly new products in this collection.


Then I will continue working on new products and different things, but before I do that I want to tell you that there is a SALE on the entire store now, so if you buy two or more products you will get 15% off your order. Use the code Helebutikken15 at checkout.

Have a nice autumn! 🏕️🕷️🍂

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