Tueneset med barna og mor mi

On a trip to Tueneset with the children and mum

Such a great weekend with fine weather this time and now we are in the middle of the week and soon it will be the weekend again! Time goes by fast and you have to reminisce a bit back to Tueneset on the weekend that was. It was bright blue sky and sun and I took the children and my mother on a trip!

We brought the rucksack with a number of goodies in it, including ready-made sandwiches that we baked in the storm kitchen. It was very good. We made smoothies with one of the blenders that can be found in the store. We mixed banana and apple juice this time. The intention was to have currants in the mixture, but it was well hidden in the bag, so I mixed it into the breakfast smoothie the next day.

Above all, a great and memorable day.

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