
Gårsdagens kveldstur i nærmiljøet

Yesterday's evening walk was good for body and ...

Elin Måseide

Yesterday I took an evening walk in the local area. It is good for body and soul. I took a short break and wondered when the new path up to...

Yesterday's evening walk was good for body and ...

Elin Måseide

Yesterday I took an evening walk in the local area. It is good for body and soul. I took a short break and wondered when the new path up to...


Travel knitting blog

Elin Måseide

What about taking a couple of potholders with you in the caravan or on a trip to the cabin? A lot going on.. Then the time had come to write...

Travel knitting blog

Elin Måseide

What about taking a couple of potholders with you in the caravan or on a trip to the cabin? A lot going on.. Then the time had come to write...

Nye produkter i posten og på lageret hjemme!

New products in the mail and in stock at home!

Elin Måseide

Then I got more items in the warehouse at home! There is a rechargeable blender to take with you on the go, a great waterproof bike bag with a large...

New products in the mail and in stock at home!

Elin Måseide

Then I got more items in the warehouse at home! There is a rechargeable blender to take with you on the go, a great waterproof bike bag with a large...

Blogginnlegg nr to på denne sida

Blog post number two on this page

Elin Måseide

Trying to test different things on this page now, so nice if you are patient and wait until I have learned more. Going on a course and so this can...

Blog post number two on this page

Elin Måseide

Trying to test different things on this page now, so nice if you are patient and wait until I have learned more. Going on a course and so this can...

Ny butikk og blogg

New shop and blog

Elin Maaseide

Now I just post this page as it is. Trying to fix a lot on it so it's not quite ready yet, but you'll get the opportunity to see a...

New shop and blog

Elin Maaseide

Now I just post this page as it is. Trying to fix a lot on it so it's not quite ready yet, but you'll get the opportunity to see a...